Creggan White Hare, The

DESCRIPTION: Barney Conway hunts the famous Creggan White Hare. He finds the hare but she eludes his dogs. He calls in sportsmen "with pedigree greyhounds" who arrive "in a fine motor-car." She eludes the seven men and nine dogs. "Health to the Creggan White Hare"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: c.1945 (Tunney-StoneFiddle)
KEYWORDS: escape hunting animal dog
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Tunney-StoneFiddle, p. 85, "The Creggan White Hare" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: Bell/O Conchubhair, Traditional Songs of the North of Ireland, pp. 54-56, "The Creggan White Hare"

Roud #9633
NOTES [101 words]: Creggan is in County Antrim, Ireland. - BS
I have a strange feeling this has something to do with the Irish revolution. In particular it makes me think of Michael Collins (for whom see "General Michael Collins") and the dramatic British attempts to catch him in the period around 1919-1920. Collins, to be sure, was from the south -- but he would in time be elected to the Irish parliament from Armagh.
i repeat, it's just speculation. - RBW
Also collected and sung by Kevin Mitchell, "The Creggan White Hare" (on Kevin and Ellen Mitchell, "Have a Drop Mair," Musical Tradition Records MTCD315-6 CD (2001)) - BS
File: TSF085

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