Euabalong Ball

DESCRIPTION: "Oh who hasn't heard of Euabalong Ball, Where the lads of the Lachlan... Come bent on diversion from far and from near." Description of rowdy annual party among shearers and other sheep-station workers, all get drunk and have a grand time
AUTHOR: possibly rewritten by A. L. Lloyd
EARLIEST DATE: 1956 (recorded by A. L. Lloyd)
KEYWORDS: dancing drink party worker
FOUND IN: Australia
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Manifold-PenguinAustralianSongbook, pp. 98-99, "Euabalong Ball" (1 text, 1 tune)
Paterson/Fahey/Seal-OldBushSongs-CentenaryEdition, pp. 240-242, "Euabalong Ball" (1 text)

A. L. Lloyd, "Euabalong Ball" (on Lloyd4, Lloyd10)
cf. "The Wooyeo Ball)
NOTES [98 words]: According to Paterson/Fahey/Seal-OldBushSongs-CentenaryEdition, A.L.Lloyd reworked this from "The Wooyeo Ball" to make it more singable. "The Wooyeo Ball" apparently dates back to 1888, but is rare in tradition, so this song seems to justify a separate listing.
According to Davey/Seal, pp. 100-101, "The Wooyeo Ball" was written by someone who called himself "Vox SIlvis." They do not list the person who rewrote the song, implying that it may not have been Lloyd. Manifold, pp. 90-91, also says that the song is a rewrite of "Wooyeo Ball," but again does not mention the name of Lloyd. - RBW
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The Ballad Index Copyright 2023 by Robert B. Waltz and David G. Engle.