When a Man's in Love [Laws O20]

DESCRIPTION: The singer asks his sweetheart to allow him into her room; she convinces him to stay by the fire. He tells her he has courted her long enough despite her parents' opposition; he will go to America. She agrees to be married (or spend the night together)
AUTHOR: Hugh McWilliams (source: Moulden-McWilliams)
EARLIEST DATE: 1831 (according to Moulden-McWilliams)
KEYWORDS: courting marriage emigration request
FOUND IN: Canada(Mar,Newf) Ireland US(MW)
REFERENCES (13 citations):
Laws O20, "When a Man's in Love"
Dean-FlyingCloud, pp. 110-111, "The Boy of Love" (1 text, lacking the ending)
Creighton/Senior-TraditionalSongsOfNovaScotia, pp. 214-215,"When A Man's In Love" (1 text, 1 tune)
Karpeles-FolkSongsFromNewfoundland 59, "A Man in Love" (1 text, 3 tunes)
Henry/Huntingdon/Herrmann-SamHenrysSongsOfThePeople H211, p. 479, "When a Man's in Love" (1 text, 1 tune)
Graham-Joe-Holmes-SongsMusicTraditionsOfAnUlsterman 80, "When a Man's In Love" (1 text, 1 tune)
OCroinin/Cronin-TheSongsOfElizabethCronin 150, "The Boy In Love That Feels No Cold" (1 text, 1 tune)
Tunney-StoneFiddle, pp. 96-97, "When a Man's In Love He Feels No Cold" (1 text, 1 tune)
Kennedy-FolksongsOfBritainAndIreland 143, "When a Man's in Love" (1 text, 1 tune)
Lomax-FolkSongsOfNorthAmerica 76, "When a Man's in Love" (1 text, 1 tune)
ADDITIONAL: John Moulden, Songs of Hugh McWilliams, Schoolmaster, 1831 (Portrush,1993), p. 2, "A Man in Love"
Harold Nestler, "Songs from the Hudson Valley" (article in _New York Folklore Quarterly_, Volume V, #2, Summer 1949), p. 87, "The Boy in Love" (1 text, short enough that it might possibly be something else with a few lines of this mixed in)

Roud #990
Robert Cinnamond, "When a Man's In Love" (on IRRCinnamond02)
Michael Gallagher, "When A Man's In Love" (on FSBFTX13)
A. L. Lloyd, "When a Man's In Love" (on Lloyd01)
Paddy Tunney, "When a Man's In Love" (on FSB01); "When A Man's in Love He Feels No Cold" (on Voice01); "When a Man's In Love" (on IRPTunney03); "When a Man's in Love" (on IRPTunney01)

cf. "The Star of the County Down" (tune) and references there
NOTES [9 words]: In McWilliams's version she agrees to be married. - BS
Last updated in version 4.4
File: LO20

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