Wooed and Married an' A' (II)

DESCRIPTION: A pampered "toast o' the parish" marries. She has no skill. When she asks her husband for ribbons he sits her at the wheel to spin. She runs to her mother who sides with the husband and sends her back, admonished to work.
AUTHOR: Mrs Scott of Dumbartonshire (source: Chambers, probably copied from Cromek)
EARLIEST DATE: 1810 (Cromek's _Select Scottish Songs_, according to Chambers)
LONG DESCRIPTION: The spoiled "toast o' the parish Is wooed and married and a'." She has no skill but to dress herself in finery. When she asks for fine ribbons her husband sets her by the spinning wheel. She runs to mother. Her mother says her husband's idea is good "for now ye should work like a tiger ... and debt keep awa" and sends her "swift away hame" with advice not to spend time at gossip ("or else ye deserve to be knockit"). She decides to go home "and e'en tak a chance o' the landin', However that matters might fa'"
KEYWORDS: marriage husband mother wife clothes
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Greig/Duncan7 1370, "Wooed and Married an' A'" (2 texts, 1 tune)
ADDITIONAL: Robert Chambers, The Scottish Songs (Edinburgh, 1829), Vol II, pp. 360-361, "Wooed, and Married, and A'"

Roud #7159
Bodleian, Harding B 22(350)[many lines illegible], "Wooed and Married and A' ("Woo'd and marry'd and a'"), J. Evans (London), 1780-1812
cf. "Woo'd and Married and A' (I)" (theme: whining bride, tune)
NOTES [115 words]: The two "Woo'd and Married and A'" are lumped by Roud and have the theme of the spoiled and complaining bride, and tune, in common. The details are entirely different as you can tell by their description. - BS
According to Maurice Lindsay, The Burns Encyclopedia, 1959, 1970; third edition, revised and enlarged, St. Martin's Press, 1980, p. 320, Alexander Ross (1699-1784), "the most prominent of [Allan] Ramsey's poetic disciples... the son of an Aberdeenshire farmer" whose work was admired by Burns, wrote a piece entitled "Wooed and Married and A'" -- but it's not clear which one. I'd guess the other one, since that seems to be the better known and no one else has claimed it. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.7
File: GrD71370

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