Jenny Dang the Weaver

DESCRIPTION: "At Willie's wedding on the green ... At ilka country dance or reel," Jock the weaver insists on dancing with Jenny. Between dances he "cackled like a clockin hen," so she hits him. He proposes. She tells the fool not to annoy her and hits him (again?)
AUTHOR: Alexander Boswell (1775-1822) (source: Whitelaw)
EARLIEST DATE: 1803 (Boswell)
KEYWORDS: courting wedding rejection weaving dancing humorous
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (5 citations):
Greig-FolkSongInBuchan-FolkSongOfTheNorthEast "Folk-Song in Buchan," p. 15, ("Jenny dang, dang, dang") (1 fragment)
Greig/Duncan4 911, "Jenny Dang the Weaver" (1 text)
Whitelaw-BookOfScottishSong, p. 219, "Jenny Dang the Weaver" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: [Alexander Boswell], Songs Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (Edinburgh, 1803 ("Digitized by Google")), pp. 11-12, "Jenny Dang the Weaver" ("At Willie's wedding o' the green") [see note]

Roud #2595
NOTES [105 words]: Boswell prints each song with the title "Song" and, under that -- as if the title -- the name of the tune. This song is printed with the apparent title "Jenny Dang the Weaver." Apparently, Boswell was adapting an old song with that tune to new words.
Herd has a song with this name but a text that in no way fits the title. Is there an error? If so is it in the title or the text? (See David Herd, editor, Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs, Heroic Ballads, etc. (Edinburgh, 1870 (reprint of 1776)), Vol II, pp. 58-59, "Jenny Dang the Weaver"). The tune far predates Boswell's text; is Herd's text just some song set to the tune? - BS
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File: GrD4911

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