Love and Freedom

DESCRIPTION: "As I cam ower Strathmartine Mains, O wha dae ye think I seen, But a braw young piper laddie...." His music makes her love him even though he is poor, "But we'll hae love and freedom, Gin ye'll follow me ma dear." "So I chose love and freedom...."
AUTHOR: Mary Brooksbank
EARLIEST DATE: 1986 (Gatherer-SongsAndBalladsOfDundee)
KEYWORDS: love music courting rambling
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Gatherer-SongsAndBalladsOfDundee 66, "As I Cam Ower Strathmartine Mains" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #6258
cf. "Hey Donal, How Donal" (lyrics)
NOTES [40 words]: Roud lumps this with "Hey Donal, How Donal," with which it shares lyrics and which probably inspired this song. But this is emphatically Mary Brooksbank's song, which shares only a few words with "Hey Donal, How Donal," so I've split them. - RBW
Last updated in version 4.5
File: Gath066

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