Battle of Alma (I), The

DESCRIPTION: "A jolly young soldier a letter did write To his own dearest jewel... To tell her of the dangers... At the Battle of Alma where thousands were slain." Lord Raglan commanded; the Russians were forced to retreat. He hopes the wars will end
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1972 (Dallas-TheCruelWars-100SoldiersSongs); reportedly in a 1936 Copper Family songbook
KEYWORDS: war battle love
Sept 14, 1854 - Anglo-French landing near the mouth of the Alma
Sept 20, 1854 - Battle of Alma. The allies win an expensive victory over the Russians
FOUND IN: Britain(England(South))
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Dallas-TheCruelWars-100SoldiersSongs, pp. 216-217, "The Battle of Alma" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #1221
cf. "The Heights of Alma (I) [Laws J10]" (subject) and references there
NOTES [14 words]: For background on the Battle of Alma, see "The Heights of Alma (I)" [Laws J10]. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.4
File: DalC216

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