Madam, Madam, You Came Courting

DESCRIPTION: When the girl comes courting the boy agrees to "entertain you If you will not call me names." She spurns his wealth: "All I want is a fancy man." He says she can look to the trees to keep her warm "when nights are cold and frosty"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1906 (Reeves-TheEverlastingCircle)
KEYWORDS: courting rejection humorous
FOUND IN: Britain(England(South)) Canada(Mar)
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Reeves-TheEverlastingCircle 111, "Ripest Apples" (2 texts)
Creighton-MaritimeFolkSongs, p. 121, "Madam, Madam, You Came Courting" (1 text, 1 tune)
Pottie/Ellis-FolksongsOfTheMaritimes, pp. 100-101, "Madam, Madam, You Came Courting" (1 text, 1 tune)

Roud #542
cf. "Wheel of Fortune" (Dublin City, Spanish Lady) (theme)
NOTES [63 words]: Creighton-MaritimeFolkSongs: "Although a different song, this is very like 'The Quaker's Courtship'"; Creighton's song is "Wheel of Fortune" with roles reversed. Nevertheless, though I find no lines shared with that group of songs it is close enough that it may belong there. - BS
Roud, indeed, lumps them -- but logic says that this is rewritten, and hence should be split. - RBW
Last updated in version 5.0
File: CrMa121

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