Cavenagh Hill
DESCRIPTION: "I'm bidding adieu to old Ireland." The singer recalls "childhood days that I spent Around dear old Cavenagh Hill," hunting fields, poteen and the football team from Scotshouse town. Years have passed. He has news that a huntsman, McCabe, has died.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1980 (IRHardySons)
KEYWORDS: emigration farewell death hunting sports drink Ireland nonballad
FOUND IN: Ireland
Roud #17896
James Halpin, "Cavenagh Hill" (on IRHardySons)
NOTES [25 words]: Notes to IRHardySons: "This might not be a Fermanagh song; the village of Scotshouse is just over the Monaghan border on the R212, south of Clones." - BS
File: rcCavaHi
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