Ickie Bickie Soda Cracker
DESCRIPTION: Counting-out rhyme. "Ickie Bbickie soda cracker, Ickie bickie boo, Ickie bickie soda cracker, Out goes you." (Or "Itsy bitsy soda cracker," or "Icker bicker soda cracker," etc.)
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1980 (Solomon-ZickaryZan)
KEYWORDS: food | counting-out
REFERENCES (5 citations):
Solomon-ZickaryZan, p. 72, "Itsy Bitsy Boo," "Icky Bicky Soda Cracker"; p. 85, "Icky Backy" (3 texts; the second text on p. 72 combined this with a "My mother and your mother" verse))
Ainsworth-JumpRopeVerses, #133, "(My Mother and Your Mother)" (1 text, which begins with a verse that is probably "My Mother and Your Mother (I)" and ends with "Ickie Bickie Soda Cracker")
Delamar-ChildrensCountingOutRhymes, p. 115, "Ocka, Bocka, soda crocka"; p. 117, "Icky, bicky, soda cricky" (1 text); compare p. 120, "Icky, bicky, cricky, tricky" (1 text); p. 121, "My mother, your mother" (1 text, which appears to combine this chorus with one or another "My Mother and Your Mother" verses)
Withers-EenieMeenieMinieMo, p. 17, "(Ecka, decka, donie, crecka)" (1 text, which I suspect is a much-misheard versio of "Ickie Bickie...."); p. 19, "(Oka, bocca, stona crocka)" (1 text)
Abrahams-JumpRopeRhymes, #3, "Acca, bacca" (1 text)
Roud #19443
cf. "1918 East Broadway" (lyrics in some versions)
File: ZiZa072C
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