What Kind of Evening Gown Will You Marry In?
DESCRIPTION: Jump-rope rhyme for telling fortunes: "What kind of evening gown will you marry in? Red, yellow, blue, pink, white...." Or, "What will I be married in? Silk, satin, cotton, rags...."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1980 (Solomon-ZickaryZan)
KEYWORDS: clothes marriage questions jumprope
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Solomon-ZickaryZan, p. 47, "(What kind of evening gown will you marry in?)" (1 text, under "Telling Fortunes")
Delamar-ChildrensCountingOutRhymes, p. 139, "What will I be married in?" (1 text)
cf. "How Old Will You Be When You Marry?" (fortune telling rhyme involved in the same sequence)
cf. "How Many Children Will You Have?" (fortune telling rhyme involved in the same sequence)
cf. "What Kind of House Will You Live In?" (fortune telling rhyme involved in the same sequence)
cf. "What Kind of Car Will You Have?" (fortune telling rhyme involved in the same sequence)
cf. "What Kind of Ring Will You Have?" (fortune telling rhyme involved in the same sequence)
cf. "You Will Marry" (theme of forecasting future life via a game)
NOTES [24 words]: The rhymes in the cross-references are perhaps all one sequence, but since they can circulate separately, I've treated them as separate items. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.4
File: ZiZa047A
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