This Is No My Ain House (III)

DESCRIPTION: "This is no mine ain house I ken by the riggin o't." The singer is married and leaving her father's house. In her own house she intends "Avoiding ilka cause of strife That makes ane wearied of his wife"
AUTHOR: Allan Ramsay
EARLIEST DATE: before 1724 (Johnson-Stenhouse, see Notes)
KEYWORDS: love marriage home parting nonballad father husband wife
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Whitelaw-BookOfScottishSong, p. 413, "This Is No My Ain House" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: Allan Ramsay, The Poems of Allan Ramsay (London: T Cadell Jun and W. Davies, 1800 ("Digitized by Google")), Vol. II, p. 282, "This Is No My Ain House"
James Johnson, William Stenhouse, editor, The Scotish Musical Museum (Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1839 (Reissue of 1790 edition) (("Digitized by Google"), Vol. III, #216 p 225, Illustrations pp. 208-210, "This Is No Mine Ain House" (1 text, 1 tune)

Roud #3790
NOTES [34 words]: Johnson-Stenhouse Illustrations p. 208: "This song was written by Ramsay, prior to the year 1724; but he borrowed a line or two from the following old nursery ditty [see This Is No My Ain House (II)]." - BS
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