That Prosperity Wave

DESCRIPTION: "We rise now to put the main question, Just how we should act and behave, When we're completely submerged by... that prosperity wave." McKinley's election was supposed to save the country, but the banks still failing and business is poor
AUTHOR: L. P. Cummins (possibly author of the words only)
EARLIEST DATE: 1939 (Nevada Folklore pamphlet; probably written in 1897 or soon after)
KEYWORDS: political nonballad money suicide
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Welsch-NebraskaPioneerLore, pp. 76-77, "That Prosperity Wave" (1 text
ADDITIONAL: Nebraska Folklore, Pamphlet Twenty, "More Farmers' Alliance Songs of the 1890's," Federal Writers' Project, 1939, p. 17, "That Prosperity Wave" (1 text)

NOTES [41 words]: For more on the issues of the 1896 presidential election, see "Free Silver."
Most Farmers' Alliance songs were set to widely familiar tunes. No melody is listed for this one, but if I had to guess, I'd guess "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean." - RBW
Last updated in version 3.6
File: Wels076

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