Give Me Jesus
DESCRIPTION: "Oh, when I come to die (x3), Give me Jesus (x3), You may have all this world, Give me Jesus." "I heard my mother say (x3), Give me Jesus." "Dark midnight was my cry...." "In the morning when I rse...." "I heard the mourner say...."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1997 (Warren-EveryTimeIFeelTheSpirit)
KEYWORDS: religious nonballad Jesus floatingverses
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Warren-EveryTimeIFeelTheSpirit, pp. 36-37, "Give Me Jesus" (1 text, 1 tune)
Parrish-SlaveSongsOfTheGeorgiaSeaIslands 59, pp. 240-242, "Oh When I Come To Die" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #12360
File: WarSp036
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