Walkin' in the Parlor

DESCRIPTION: "I never went to free school nor any other college, But... I will tell you how the world was made in the twinkling of a crack. Walk in, walk in, walk in I say, go in the parlor and hear the banjo ring." Sundry observations about the creation and the Bible
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1925 (Scarborough)
KEYWORDS: religious Bible humorous
FOUND IN: US(Ap,Ro,SE,So) Britain(England)
REFERENCES (26 citations):
Warner-TraditionalAmericanFolkSongsFromAnneAndFrankWarnerColl 177, "Walking in the Parlor" (1 text, 1 tune)
Randolph 288, "History of the World" (1 text, 1 tune)
Randolph/Cohen-OzarkFolksongs-Abridged, pp. 246-248, "History of the World" (1 text, 1 tune -- Randolph's 288)
Arnold-FolkSongsofAlabama, pp. 104-105, "Bible Tales" (1 text, 1 tune)
Brown/Belden/Hudson-FrankCBrownCollectionNCFolklore3 341, "Walk in the Parlor" (4 texts plus 1 excerpt and 1 fragment; the "E" text seems more a floating verse collection with this chorus, and "C" lacks the chorus and is at best marginally related)
Brown/Schinhan-FrankCBrownCollectionNCFolklore5 341, "Walk in the Parlor" (3 tunes plus text excerpts)
Scarborough-OnTheTrailOfNegroFolkSongs, pp. 181-182, "Story of Creation" (1 text, 1 tune)
Hubbard-BalladsAndSongsFromUtah, #178, "The World Was Made in Six Days" (3 texts, 1 tune)
Cheney-MormonSongs, pp. 166-169, "Mogos, Nogos, Everybody Come"; "The Mormon Sunday School Song" (2 texts, 1 tune)
Harlow-ChantyingAboardAmericanShips, pp. 203-205, "The Darky Sunday School" (1 text, t tune)
Hugill-ShantiesFromTheSevenSeas, p. 344, "De History ob de World" (1 text)
Lomax/Lomax-AmericanBalladsAndFolkSongs, pp. 351-354, "Darky Sunday School" (1 text, 1 tune)
Cox-FolkSongsSouth 178, "Creation Song" (1 text)
Bush-FSofCentralWestVirginiaVol3, pp. 30-31, "Walk Up In the Parlor" (1 text, 1 tune)
Bush-FSofCentralWestVirginiaVol5, pp. 3-4, "The History of the World" (1 text, 1 tune, without a chorus, so it might be a separate song)
Coleman/Bregman-SongsOfAmericanFolks, pp. 90+92-94 (book is mis-paginated), "Live a-Humble" (1 text, 1 tune)
Jones-MinstrelOfTheAppalachians-Bascom-Lamar-Lunsford, p. 246, "Walking in th Parlor" (1 tune, perhaps this)
Shay-BarroomBallads/PiousFriendsDrunkenCompanions, pp. 184-187, "Bible Stories" (1 text, 1 tune, almost certainly composite)
Pankake/Pankake-PrairieHomeCompanionFolkSongBook, pp. 186-189, "Young Folks, Old Folks (or The Silly Sunday School)" (1 text, tune referenced)
Morgan/Green-RugbySongs, pp. 146-147, "Darkie Sunday School" (1 text)
Harbin-Parodology, #100, p 29, "Adam Was a Gardener" (1 text, tune referenced)
Averill-CampSongsFolkSongs, p. 108, 232, 397, "Darkey Sunday School"/Sunday School" (notes only)
Zander/Klusmann-CampSongsNThings, p. 45, "The Darky Sunday School" (1 text, 1 tune)
ADDITIONAL: Johnny Burke (John White, Editor), _Burke's Ballads_, no printer listed, n.d. (PDF available on Memorial University of Newfoundland web site), p. 59, "The History of the World" (1 text, clearly remade for Newfoundland conditions but close enough to the original that it can still be filed here)
Johnny Burke (William J. Kirwin, editor), _John White's Collection of Johnny Burke Songs_, Harry Cuff Publications, St. John's, 1981, #89, pp. 130-131, "The History of the World" (1 text, clearly remade for Newfoundland conditions but close enough to the original that it can still be filed here)

Roud #766 and 4614
Charlie Oaks, "Adam and Eve or 'Darkie's Sunday School'" (Vocalion 5113, c. 1927; rec. 1925)
Obed Pickard, "Walking in the Parlor" (Columbia 15246-D, 1928; rec. 1927)
Kilby Reeves, "Walkin in the Parlor" (on Persis1)
Art Thieme, "Walkie in the Parlor" (on Thieme02) (on Thieme06)

cf. "The Bible Story"
cf. "Windy Bill (I)" (theme)
cf. "Old Jesse" (lyrics)
cf. "Root, Hog, or Die (V)" (lyrics)
The Sunday School Song
Walkie in the Parlor
NOTES [949 words]: Not to be confused with a fiddle tune of the same name. - PJS
The chorus of this song varies quite a bit; the Lomax version is "Young folks, old folks, everybody come, Join our darky Sunday School, and make yourself to hum. There's a place to check your chewing gum and razors at the door, And hear such bible stories as you never heard before." The Pankakes have something similar, but less racist. (Their version is also incredibly full -- 21 verses! If they didn't conflate it, someone else did.) The version in Bush-FSofCentralWestVirginiaVol3 has a "Walkin'" chorus, but that in Bush-FSofCentralWestVirginiaVol5 has none.
It is quite likely that these versions originated as separate songs, and I thought about splitting them. But the only distinguishing feature is the choruses. Under the circumstances, it seemed better to place all listings in the same place. Roud splits the song into (at least) two numbers, but I can't really see the principle of the split
I initially excluded Randolph's "History of the World," partly by accident, as just too distinct from the versions I had seen. It's now clear that it's the same song.
Those who wish to know more are referred to Cox's extensive notes on songs of this type.
Among the sundry references in this song:
"Jonah... took a steerage passage in a transatlantic whale": The Bible says "fish" (for more about this, see the notes to "God's Radiophone"), and the fish never left the Mediterranean, and Jonah wasn't planning on entering the Atlantic either. (Bush-FSofCentralWestVirginiaVol5 has a curious slip here; Shem falls into the water, and a whale comes along and picks up Jonah, not Shem; one suspects some words have been lost.)
"Esau... sold [his farm] to his brother for a sandwich and a beer": In Gen. 25:29-34, Esau came back hungry from hunting, and sold his birthright (probably pasturage, not a farm) to his younger fraternal twin Jacob for "bread and lentil stew."
"Noah was a mariner... with half a dozen wives and a big menagerie": Although many of the patriarchs had multiple wives, Noah himself seems to have had only one (cf. Gen. 7:7).
"Elijah was a prophet who attended county fairs, He advertised his business with a pair of dancing bears": hardly worth refuting, but it is worth noting that Elijah was a solitary prophet at a time when most prophets came in groups ("the sons of the prophets"). He spent much of his time trying to be left alone, not advertising his services (cf., e.g., 1 Kings 19:3-4, 2 Kings 1:9fff.)
"Ahab had a wife, and her name was Jezebel... She's gone to the dogs... Ahab said he'd never heard of such an awful thing": Jezebel was indeed Ahab's wife, and was eaten by dogs (2 Kings 9:30-37) -- but Ahab had been dead for a dozen years by the time she was killed.
"Salome was a chorus girl who had a winning way": This is textually complicated. All accounts say that a girl captivated Herod Antipas by dancing for him, and that he executed John the Baptist as a result. Matt. 14:6 says that the girl was "the daughter of Herodias"; the best manuscripts of Mark 6:22 call her his [Herod's] daughter Herodias. But nowhere is she called "Salome"; we learn this name from Josephus.
"Now Joey was unhappy in the bowels of the soil": Refers to the selling of Joseph into Egypt (Genesis 37). Joseph, however, was not a farmer but a herdsman, and there is no evidence he was unhappy; he spent his time dreaming about ruling over his brothers.
"Samson was a husky guy from the P.T. Barnum show": While Samson probably belonged in a circus (it's hard to imagine someone so thoroughly inept; had he not been a strong man, he would have been a joke), the Bible tells his story "straight" (Judges 13-16).
"Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego": The Hebrews in the Fiery Furnace (Daniel 3).
"Methuselah was crabby 'cause he couldn't save a joke": Methuselah lived longer than any other figure in the Bible (the Hebrew of Gen. 5:25-27 lists him as living to the age of 969), but gives no indication of his character or the length of his whiskers.
"Pharaoh kept the Israelites to make his cigarettes": This is almost accurate, in that the Israelites did, in effect, go on strike in Exodus. However, tobacco was not known in Egypt at the time (it grows only in the New World); the Israelites "struck" for the right to worship in their own way, plus better living conditions.
"David was a fighter, a plucky little cuss": 1 Samuel 17.
"Daniel was a naughty man, he wouldn't mind the King" -- Formally, Daniel defied the king, but it was actually the King's counselors who came up with the law Daniel defied (Daniel 6)
Bush-FSofCentralWestVirginiaVol3's version is non-biblical (perhaps cleaned up by some too-religious type?) but equally scandalous, as it accuses George Washington of "courtin'... A darky girl with a wooden leg." That he would court a girl with a wooden leg is most unlikely, but that he would have relations with a Black woman is not; he was, after all, a slaveholder.
This raises the possibility that the Bush-FSofCentralWestVirginiaVol5 version is a conflation of the old religious song and the secular song of Bush-FSofCentralWestVirginiaVol3. It reaches Jonah in the Bible -- then shifts to a half-verse about Columbus, a half-verse about the Spanish-American War, a half verse of about the Kaiser taking over France, and two half-verses about Henry Ford making a Tin Lizzy. The Dewey lines run:
'Long come Dewey with the battleship Maine, United States licked the devil out of Spain." The sinking of the Maine of course resulted in the Spanish-American War, but Commodore Dewey had nothing to do with her; for background, see the notes to "My Sweetheart Went Down with the Maine." - RBW
Last updated in version 6.6
File: Wa177

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