Keep My Skillet Good and Greasy
DESCRIPTION: Non-ballad, in which the singer displays his interest in food and drink and his lack of interest in work. Verses vary widely; the song is recognized primarily by the line "(Gonna) keep my skillet (good and) greasy all the time."
AUTHOR: (Credited to Uncle Dave Macon on the Henry Whitter recording)
EARLIEST DATE: 1924 (recording, Uncle Dave Macon)
KEYWORDS: nonballad drink food
REFERENCES (5 citations):
Warner-TraditionalAmericanFolkSongsFromAnneAndFrankWarnerColl 122, "Gonna Keep My Skillet Greasy" (1 text, 1 tune, plus assorted excerpts not collected by the Warners)
Morris-FolksongsOfFlorida, #104, "Sandy's Mill" (1 fragment, 1 tune, linked to "Sandy's Mill" by the title and a few of the words but to "Keep My Skillet Good and Greasy" by the tune)
Abrahams/Riddle-ASingerAndHerSongs, pp. 98-99, "Mandy" (1 text, 1 tune)
Silber/Silber-FolksingersWordbook, p. 157 "Keep My Skillet Good And Greasy" (1 text)
Roud #7479
Doc Watson & Ralph Rinzler, "Skillet Good and Greasy" (on Ashley02, WatsonAshley01)
John Henry Howard, "Gonna Keep My Skillet Good & Greasy" (Gennett 3124, 1925)
Mississippi John Hurt, "Pay Day" (on MJHurt04)
Uncle Dave Macon "I'll Keep My Skillet Good and Greasy" (Vocalion 14848, 1924) (Bluebird B-5873, 1935)
Pete Seeger, "Skillet Good and Greasy" (on PeteSeeger02, PeteSeegerCD01)
Henry Whitter, "Keep My Skillet Good and Greasy" (OKeh 40296, 1925; rec. 1924)
File: Wa122
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The Ballad Index Copyright 2024 by Robert B. Waltz and David G. Engle.