Plotter's Lament, The

DESCRIPTION: "We're up each morning bright and early, We've got to be on watch by eight." They are "hoping for a blitz" to give them something to do; otherwise they have nothing to do but knit. Even if the airmen think they are useless, they are knitting for victory
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1967 (Ward-Jackson/Lucas-AirmansSongBook); said to have been sung in 1941
KEYWORDS: battle clothes work | knitting
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Ward-Jackson/Lucas-AirmansSongBook, p. 166, "The Plotter's Lament" (1 short text, tune referenced)
"The Woodpecker's Song" (tune)
File: WJL166

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The Ballad Index Copyright 2024 by Robert B. Waltz and David G. Engle.