Fisherman Yankee Brown, The
DESCRIPTION: "My boys, if you will listen, I'll sing you a little song... He is a well-known fisherman... He's a very noted lawyer, and his name is Yankee Brown." From New York, he came to Beaver Island in [18]79. His exploits catching huge fish and being a preacher
AUTHOR: possibly Frank McCauley
EARLIEST DATE: 1938 (collected from Pat and Dan Bonner by Walton)
KEYWORDS: talltale fishing
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Walton/Grimm-Windjammers-SongsOfTheGreatLakesSailors, pp. 187-189, "The Fisherman Yankee Brown" (1 text, 1 tune)
MidwestFolklore, Ivan H. Watson, "Folk Singing on Beaver Island," Volume 2, Number 4 (Winter 1952), p. 247, "The Fisher Yankee Brown" (1 excerpt)
Roud #19859
Dan Bonner, "The Fisherman Yankee Brown" (1938; on WaltonSailors; the text is different in many particulars from the text in Walton/Grimm-Windjammers-SongsOfTheGreatLakesSailors even though it is from the same informant)
cf. "The Lumber Camp Song" (tune)
NOTES [39 words]: The notes in Walton/Grimm-Windjammers-SongsOfTheGreatLakesSailors say this is sung to the tune of "The Shanty Boys in the Pine," which is indexed as "The Lumber Camp Song," though they don't say whose version of that widespread song. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.8
File: WGM187
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