Wi a Hundred Pipers

DESCRIPTION: "Wi' a hundred pipers an a', an' a' (x2), We'll up an' gie them a blaw, a blaw,,, O it's owre the border awa', awa'." The soldiers look fine. Bonnie Prince Charlie leads. The song recalls an incident while crossing the Esk. The English are "Dumfoundered"
AUTHOR: probably Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne
EARLIEST DATE: 1894 (Williams)
KEYWORDS: Jacobites soldier music
REFERENCES (4 citations):
GirlScouts-SingTogether, pp. 61-63, "Wi' a Hundred Pipers" (1 text, 1 tune)
Fuld-BookOfWorldFamousMusic, pp. 655-656, "Wi' a Hundred Pipers"
ADDITIONAL: Alfred M. Williams, _Studies in Folk-Song and Popular Poetry_, Houghton Mifflin, 1894, pp. 123-125, "The Hundred Pipers" (1 text)

Andra Carnegie (File: Gath075)
NOTES [28 words]: I know of no field collections of this song, but my father apparently learned it by oral tradition some time in the mid-twentieth century. So I am including it here. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.3
File: WFDP123

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