Man Named Hods, A
DESCRIPTION: "Come, all you old cow-punches, a story I will tell.... Back in the days when I was young, I knew a man named Hods" who was good for nothing. Indians attack and leave him to die, but he lives to open a gambling house. He goes to New York
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1921 (Thorp/Logsdon-SongsOfTheCowboys)
KEYWORDS: cowboy Indians(Am.) money injury gambling
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Thorp/Logsdon-SongsOfTheCowboys, pp. 99-101, "A Man Named Hods" (1 text)
NOTES [46 words]: This poem (almost certainly not a song, since the stanzas are irregular" ends with the line "And now they say he's a senator, but of that I shore don't know." There was no national Senator from New York with a name anything like "Hods," but possibly he was a state Senator. - RBW
Last updated in version 5.3
File: ThLo099
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