Flash Cows of the City

DESCRIPTION: "One night, very late, through the Dockyard I wandered, When I met me a messmate all staggering and drunk." He dies the next day; they bury the "matelot cut down in his primw"; on his grave he states "Flash cows of the city brought me to my grave"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1987 (Tawney-GreyFunnelLines-RoyalNavy)
KEYWORDS: death navy sailor derivative
FOUND IN: Britain(England)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Tawney-GreyFunnelLines-RoyalNavy, p. 131, "Flash Cows of the City" (1 text, tune referenced)
Roud #2
cf. "The Bad Girl's Lament (St. James' Hospital; The Young Girl Cut Down in her Prime)" [Laws Q26] (tune, theme) and references there
NOTES [50 words]: Roud lumps this with "The Bad Girl's Lament (St. James' Hospital; The Young Girl Cut Down in her Prime)" [Laws Q26] and all the other by-blows of its type, but I would say that this is a deliberate rewrite, with a different purpose, so I've split it. But obviously you should see that song also. - RBW
Last updated in version 5.1
File: Tawn098

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