HMS Ariel Song
DESCRIPTION: "Air-i-el, Shades of Hell, What a place to live in. Rain all round, Weather bound, Gone to ground and never be found For years and years, Confirms our fears That we're forgotten numbers. Here are we till eternity...."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1969 (Tawney-GreyFunnelLines-RoyalNavy)
KEYWORDS: navy hardtimes derivative
FOUND IN: Britain(England)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Tawney-GreyFunnelLines-RoyalNavy, p. 107, "HMS 'Ariel' Song" (1 text, tune referenced)
cf. Heykens's "Serenade No. 1" (tune)
cf. "Pump, Suck, Blow" (tune)
File: Tawn078
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