John James O'Hara

DESCRIPTION: John James O'Hara from Tara and Mickey McNamara from Mayo "are famous Irishmen no matter where they go." Now "we're returning back to dear old Erin's Isle"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1979 (Tunney-StoneFiddle)
KEYWORDS: return Ireland nonballad
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Tunney-StoneFiddle, p. 54, "John James O'Hara" (1 text)
Peirce-KeepTheKettleBoiling, p. 63, "(John James O'Hara)" (1 text)

Roud #19472
O'Hara From Tara, McNamara From Mayo
NOTES [74 words]: This sounds to me as if O'Hara and McNamara were musical performers who went to the United States. There was a John O'Hara responsible for a 1941 musical, "Pal Joey" (see Gilbert, LostChords, p. 353; the songs were by Rodgers and Hart, no less); with so little background from Tunney's song, I doubt we can tell if they are the same. It doesn't seem very likely -- for one thing, it's too recent. I can't find any candidates for McNamara. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.6
File: TSF054

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