We're Traveling Home

DESCRIPTION: We're traveling home. "Millions have reached that healthful shore... But there's room for millions more... The way to heaven is free for all."
AUTHOR: words: Richard Jinkes (18c); music: B. F. White (c.1844) (source: White and King,_Original Sacred Harp_)
EARLIEST DATE: 1841 (Thompson-APioneerSongster)
KEYWORDS: nonballad religious
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Thompson-APioneerSongster 73, "We're Traveling Home" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: George Pullen Jackson, _Another Sheaf of White Spirituals_ (Gainesville, 1952), #359 p. 299, "Will You Go" ("We're traveling home to heaven above") (1 text, 1 tune)
Benjamin Franklin White, E.J.King, et al, _Original Sacred Harp_ (Atlanta, 1911 ("Digitized by Google") (correction and enlargement of 1869 edition copyright J.S. James)), p. 97, "Will You Go?" ("We're traveling home to heaven above") (1 text, 1 tune)

File: TPS073

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