Wait for the Wagon (III)
DESCRIPTION: "Come with me good Democrats and rally round our flag to fight the Black Republicans ... Wait for the waggon, The old Democratic waggon ... We'll give those Negro worshippers a good November ride"
AUTHOR: Music: R Bishop Buckley (1851) (source: Thomson-Pioneer)
EARLIEST DATE: 1856 (Thompson-APioneerSongster)
KEYWORDS: bragging nonballad political Black(s)
1856 - Presidential campaign. James Buchanan and John C. Breckenridge were Democratic candidates for president and vice-president. (Buchanan won the nomination largely because he had been out of the country and so had made few recorded statements on the big issues of the time.) The Republican candidates were John C. Frémont and William L. Dayton. It was the first time the Republican party had fielded a candidate. Millard Fillmore ran as a Know-Nothing. The Democrats won 45% of the popular vote, and 174 electoral votes; Fremont won 33% of the popular vote and 114 electoral votes (but no state south of Ohio); Fillmore won 22% of the popular vote and Maryland's eight electoral votes.
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Thompson-APioneerSongster 64, "Wait for the Wagon" (1 text)
Roud #2835
NOTES [28 words]: Thomson-Pioneer: "The Democratic party sang this campaign song in the year 1856." - BS
For background on the 1856 election, see the notes to "Lincoln and Liberty." - RBW
Last updated in version 5.0
File: TPS064
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