Jeff Davis's Ball
DESCRIPTION: "Far down in the South there lived Jeff Davis, He swindled his friends till they haven't a pound" and chooses secession to cure his ills. Lee invadea the north and is repulsed. Many surrender rather than have to "leave their cards at Jeff Davis's ball."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1939 (Thompson-BodyBootsAndBritches-NewYorkStateFolktales)
KEYWORDS: Civilwar dancing humorous soldier
July 1-3, 1863 - Battle of Gettysburg. Robert E. Lee and his corps commanders Longstreet, Ewell, and A. P. Hill (all mentioned in the song) invade Pennsylvania and are defeated
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Thompson-BodyBootsAndBritches-NewYorkStateFolktales, pp. 260-361, "Jeff Davis's Ball" (1 text)
Roud #6601
File: TNY360B
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