No More Spelling, No More Books
DESCRIPTION: "No more spelling, no more books, No more teacher's dirty looks." Or variations: "No more spelling, no more French, No more sitting on a hard board bench." "Two more weeks and we shall be Out of the gates of misery."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: c. 1970 (personal recollection)
KEYWORDS: playparty
FOUND IN: US(MW) New Zealand Ireland
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Sutton-Smith-NZ-GamesOfNewZealandChilden/FolkgamesOfChildren, p. 63, "(Two more weeks and we shall be)"; "(No more spelling, no more books)"; "No more spelling, no more French)" (3 texts)
Brady-AllInAllIn, p. 98, "(No more Irish)" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: J. C. Reid, _A Book of New Zealand_ (Collins National Anthologies), Collins, 1964, p. 332, "Children's Games" ("Two more weeks and we shall be") (1 text)
NOTES [58 words]: One of those rare children's rhymes that I remember from elementary school, which presumably would be around 1970.
I find it quite humorous that the Irish version starts "No more Irish." This, of course, reflects the fact that everyone in Ireland speaks English but are forced to study Irish Gaelic because Ireland can't stand its own language. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.5
File: SuSm063C
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