Bob Cranky's 'Size Sunday
DESCRIPTION: "Ho'way and aw'll sing thee a tune, mun, 'Bout huz seein' my lord at the toon, mun... Nyen them aw cut a dash like Bob Cranky." The singer sets out for a celebration in town, gets drunk and dirty, and tells of the exploits of Cranky
AUTHOR: Words: John Selkirk? / Music: Thomas Train
EARLIEST DATE: 1812 (Bell)
KEYWORDS: drink clothes humorous
FOUND IN: Britain(England(North))
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Stokoe/Reay-SongsAndBalladsOfNorthernEngland, pp. 88-89, "Bob Cranky's Size Sunday" (1 text, 1 tune)
ST StoR088 (Partial)
Roud #3146
cf. "Bob Cranky's Adieu" (character)
File: StoR088
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