Way Down in Tennessee (I)

DESCRIPTION: "Farewell you girls of this cold countree," "I can no longer stay with you. " "I left my wife and a baby." Chorus: "Away over the ocean." "Tennessee is a-rolling." Lines are repeated three times, followed by "I'm bound/way-down for Tennessee"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1940 (Smith/Hatt/Fowke-SeaSongsBalladFromNineteenthCenturyNovaScotia)
KEYWORDS: nonballad shanty
FOUND IN: Canada(Mar)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Smith/Hatt/Fowke-SeaSongsBalladFromNineteenthCenturyNovaScotia, p. 23, "Way Down in Tennessee" (1 text)
Roud #9415
NOTES [23 words]: Smith/Hatt/Fowke-SeaSongsBalladFromNineteenthCenturyNovaScotia: Smith's comment is "A favourite with Liverpool [Nova Scotia] sailormen." - BS
File: SmHa023

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