How Sweet the Love That Meets Return
DESCRIPTION: "When first I ken'd young Sandy's face, He sung and look'd with such a grace, He stole my heart but did not care"; he loves another girl. But that girl rejects him, so Sandy instead turns to Jenny, who declares, "How sweet's the love that meets return"
AUTHOR: James Hook ? (see NOTES)
KEYWORDS: love rejection flowers
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Shoemaker-MountainMinstrelsyOfPennsylvania, pp. 280-281, "How Sweet's the Love That Meets Return" (1 text)
Roud #11703
Bodleian, 2806 c.11(3)=Johnson Ballads 1495a=Johnson Ballads 1495b=Johnson Ballads 1496a=Johnson Ballads 1496b=Johnson Ballads 1497a=Johnson Ballads 1497b, "How sweets the love, that meets return, D. Wrighton (Birmingham), 1812-1830; also Firth b.26(521)=Firth c.18(107)=Harding B 11(3902) (Wrighton)=
Harding B 28(217); also Harding B 25(868) (Wrighton); also Firth b.25(151), "How sweet's the love that meets return," B. W. Dickinson (York), 1823-1834; also Firth b.25(152)=Harding B 11(1589), Dickinson; also Harding B 28(12), "When first I kenn'd young Sandy's face," unknown, n.d.
NOTES [65 words]: The earliest date of 1800 and attribution to James Hook are both based on a Google Books record of sheet music for this song. But the actual scan consists of only one page with neither date nor attribution, though it says the song was "sung by Mrs Kennedy." The various broadsides at least prove it is from the early nineteenth century, and I found a songster list that is dated to 1803. - RBW
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File: Shoe280
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