Old Tioga Counry

DESCRIPTION: "I've trampled around the country some, Twixt Mexico and Maine.... But 'Old Tioga County,' boys, She's good enough for me." Her scenery is better than the River Shannon's, her fruit is the sweetest, her daughters prettier than those of Paris
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1931 (Shoemaker-MountainMinstrelsyOfPennsylvania)
KEYWORDS: home patriotic nonballad
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Shoemaker-MountainMinstrelsyOfPennsylvania, p. 258, "Old Tioga County" (1 text)
Roud #15010
NOTES [46 words]: This could easily have been someone's zipper song: There are two mentions of "Old Tioga County" and no other references at all to where the singer resides -- and there is no rhyming on the name. So you could put in any other six syllables and have a praise song for anywhere. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.4
File: Shoe258A

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