Ben Backstay
DESCRIPTION: "Ben Backstay was our boatswain, A very merry boy." The captain serves out double grog. Ben gets drunk and falls overboard. They throw ropes to him, but he can't return because a "shark had bit his head off." Ben's ghost warns against mixing liquor
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1812 (Ulverston New Poetical Miscellany, Ulverston: G. Ashburner, 1812)
KEYWORDS: sailor death humorous ghost drink
REFERENCES (5 citations):
Shay-AmericanSeaSongsAndChanteys, pp. 98-101, "Ben Backstay" (1 text)
Huntington-TheGam-MoreSongsWhalemenSang, pp. 111-112, "Ben Backstay's Warning" (1 text, 1 tune)
Hugill-SongsOfTheSea, p. 52, "Ben Backstay" (1 text, 1 tune)
Stone-SeaSongsAndBallads, XXXII, pp. 46-47, "Ben Backstay" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: The Ulverston New Poetical Miscellany: Containing a Selection of the Most Fashionable Songs, with Many Originals, Not Inserted in Ashburner's Vocal and Poetic Repository, G. Ashburner, Ulverston, 1812 (available on Google Books), p. 189, "Ben Backsay" (1 text)
ST ShSea098 (Partial)
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File: ShSea098
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