I Onct Was Young

DESCRIPTION: "I onct was young but now I'm old, Am blind, but yet I have a soul, That soul to save... Or else sink down to endless woe." "My threescore years is at an end." "I have three sons before me gone... By faith through prayer we'll win the day."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1937 (Scarborough)
KEYWORDS: injury death religious
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Scarborough-ASongCatcherInSouthernMountains, pp. 40-41, (no title) (1 text)
ST ScaSC040 (Partial)
Roud #8814
NOTES [33 words]: Reportedly composed by the uncle of Grandma Bell on his deathbed. There are quite a few hints of older songs, though; I suspect he adapted rather than wrote. And, yes, that's "onct" in the title. - RBW
File: ScaSC040

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