My Mammy Stoled a Cow

DESCRIPTION: "Steal up, young ladies, My mammy stoled a cow. Steal up, my darlin' chile, My mammy stoled a cow." "Stoled that cow im Baltimo', My mammy stoled a cow." "Steal all around, don't slight no one, My mammy stoled a cow."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1925 (Scarborough)
KEYWORDS: dancetune theft animal
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Scarborough-OnTheTrailOfNegroFolkSongs, p. 116, "My Mammy Stoled a Cow" (1 text, 1 tune)
NOTES [24 words]: Scarborough claims that the reported theft in this song is "used merely as an excuse to bring in the directions of stealing up in the dance." - RBW
File: ScaNF116

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