Squatters on the Flinders, The
DESCRIPTION: "O the squatters on the Flinders and the checques they are no good (x3), So don't you go down to the gulf." "For they'll charge you three bob for a pound of weevily flour (x3), So don't you go down to the gulf." To the tune of "John Brown's Body"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1993 (Scott-ACollectorsNotebook-31TraditionalSongs)
KEYWORDS: derivative food money warning
FOUND IN: Australia
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Scott-ACollectorsNotebook-31TraditionalSongs, p. 36, "(no title)" (1 short text, tune referenced, in the notes to "Jack Donahue")
cf. "John Brown's Body" (tune & meter) and references there
File: ScCol036
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The Ballad Index Copyright 2024 by Robert B. Waltz and David G. Engle.