Hat Ned Kelly Wore, The

DESCRIPTION: "Good evening to youse one and all, Good luck to what I say... I've brought to you the relics boys, of the good old days of yore, You'll curse the day you trampled on the hat Ned Kelly wore." The singer has searched far but has never found the like
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1993 (Scott-ACollectorsNotebook-31TraditionalSongs)
KEYWORDS: clothes outlaw
1855 - Birth of Ned Kelly
1880 - Execution of Kelly. His last words are reported to have been "Such is life."
FOUND IN: Australia
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Scott-ACollectorsNotebook-31TraditionalSongs, p. 26, "The Hat Ned Kelly Wore" (1 short text, 1 tune)
Roud #22612
cf. "Kelly Was Their Captain" (subject) and notes and references there
cf. "The Hat McGinnis Wore" (probable source)
NOTES [53 words]: Scott's informant said there was more to this song, which he could not remember. I wonder if it described Kelly's hat -- and if it WAS a hat. One trick Kelly tried as an outlaw was creating a very primitive suit of armor (more like a set of tin cans than actual medieval armor). Could the hat be the helmet from that? - RBW
Last updated in version 4.5
File: ScCol026

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