Oregon Trail. The
DESCRIPTION: "Way down yander in the Wahee Mountains, Where folks don't know about books nor countin's, Here lived a Zeke, an old galoor," who shoots a "city feller" for courting his girl. The girl gets pregnant; the stork travels so far with the baby that it dies
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1927 (Shay-BarroomBallads/PiousFriendsDrunkenCompanions)
KEYWORDS: humorous courting death bird baby
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Shay-BarroomBallads/PiousFriendsDrunkenCompanions, p. 51, "The Oregon Trail" (1 text)
Roud #9619
NOTES [13 words]: Not to be confused with Woody Guthrie's "(I'm Gonna Hit That) Oregon Trail." - RBW
Last updated in version 6.2
File: Sbar051
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