I'm Sad and I'm Lonely
DESCRIPTION: "I'm sad and I'm lonely, My heart it will break. My sweetheart loves another; Lord I wish I were dead." The singer warns against the lies that young men tell, which are more numerous than "cross-ties on the railroad or stars in the skies."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1927 (Sandburg-TheAmericanSongbag)
KEYWORDS: love separation lie desertion floatingverses
REFERENCES (4 citations):
Sandburg-TheAmericanSongbag, pp. 243-245, "I'm Sad and I'm Lonely" (1 text, 1 tune)
Silber/Silber-FolksingersWordbook, p. 167, "I'm Sad And I'm Lonely" (1 text)
Cambiaire-EastTennesseeWestVirginiaMountainBallads, p. 84, "I'm Sad and I'm Lonely" (1 text)
Rosenbaum-FolkVisionsAndVoices, p. 8, "Goin' to Georgia" (1 text, 1 tune)
ST San243 (Full)
Roud #414
Eller Family, "I'm Goin' to Georgia" (on FolkVisions1)
cf. "Troubled In My Mind" (floating lyrics)
cf. "On Top of Old Smokey" (floating lyrics)
cf. "A Warning to Girls" (floating lyrics)
NOTES [163 words]: This appears to be another of those collections of floating verses that has taken on some life of its own. - RBW
The Eller Family recording is actually a mishmosh of floating verses from here, "On Top of Old Smoky," "The Cuckoo" and, if I'm not mistaken, "Poor Ellen Smith." But I put it here because, well, why not? It has to go somewhere. - PJS
When I ran across the transcription in Rosenbaum-FolkVisionsAndVoices, I was preparing to file the Eller recording as its own song, because it is so composite and because the first verse (which is also the ninth and eleventh) is unusual in this context: "I'm goin' to Georgi', I'm goin' to roam, I'm goin' to Georgi', I'll make it my home." But the Eller song is, as Paul says, an incredibly composite mess. Since we filed it here once, we might as well do it again.
Roud files this with an extremely large group of floating-verse songs; I would (and did) divide the song farther, but I definitely sympathize with his decision.... - RBW
Last updated in version 5.0
File: San243
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