Mules Ran Off, The

DESCRIPTION: "The mules ran off and I fell down, I really thought I'd croak," but despite troublesome mules, "I love my old canal." All the river critters make their noise as "Old Fear" looks on and grins. It rains hard, but then it clears up and the birds sing
AUTHOR: Pearl R. Nye (source: Salt)
EARLIEST DATE: 1992 (Salt-BuckeyeHeritage-OhiosHistory)
KEYWORDS: river travel hardtimes bird animal canal
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Salt-BuckeyeHeritage-OhiosHistory, pp. 62-63, "The Mules Ran Off" (1 text, 1 tune)
cf. "Oh! Susanna" (tune, according to Salt)
File: Salt062

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