Sailor's Journal

DESCRIPTION: "'Twas post meridian, half past four, By signal I from Nancy parted"; she waits by the shore until he sails away. As the sailors sing with joy, the singer thinks of her. When he is thrown into the sea, he live because of her. Finally her returns to her
AUTHOR: Charles Dibdin (1745-1815)
EARLIEST DATE: 1905 (Stone-SeaSongsAndBallad)
KEYWORDS: sailor travel battle reunion wife
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Stone-SeaSongsAndBallads XCIII, pp. 185-186, "Sailor's Journal" (1 text)
Roud #12834
Bodleian, Harding B 17(270b), "Sailor's Journal," J. Pitts (London), 1802-1819; also Harding B 28(71), Firth c.13(100), "The Sailors Journal," W. Armstrong (Liverpool), 1820-1824; also Harding B 25(1709), "The Sailor's Journal," W. Armstrong (Livepool), 1820-1824; also Harding B 15(271a), "The Sailor's Journal," H. Such (London), 1863-1885; also 2806 b.11(254)=Firth c.13(103)=Harding B 11(1786), "The Sailor's Journal," H. Such (London), 1863-1885; also 2806 c.18(275), "The Sailor's Journal," unknown (n.d.)
NOTES [42 words]: The evidence that this song is traditional is very thin, but it has been printed so many times that Steve Roud gave it a number, and I'm including it for consistency.
For more on probable author Charles Dibdin, see the notes to "Blow High Blow Low." - RBW
Last updated in version 6.2
File: SSSB185

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