Sold Off to Georgy
DESCRIPTION: "Farewell, fellow servants, O-ho! o-ho! I'm gwine 'way to leave you... I'm gwine to leave de ole county... I'm sold off to Georgy." The singer bids farewell to home, parents, master, wife, and child; he confesses his heart is breaking
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1824 (Printed in "The Valley of Shenandoah" by George Tucker)
KEYWORDS: slavery slave family separation work home
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Scott-TheBalladOfAmerica, p. 206, "Sold Off to Georgy" (1 text, 1 tune)
Foner-AmericanLaborSongsOfTheNineteenthCentury, p. 89, "Sold Off to Georgy" (1 text)
Greenway-AmericanFolksongsOfProtest, pp. 94-95, "Hilo! Hilo!" (1 text, fragmentary, but apparently related to this song)
NOTES [6 words]: "Georgy" is, of course, Georgia. - RBW
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File: SBoA206
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