Charlotte the Harlot (V) (Carolina)
DESCRIPTION: The singer recalls "Carolina, the cow-puncher's whore." One day he finds her using a stick rather than a man to fulfill her needs, so he takes over. His energy is such that he blows her into a swamp. She expresses great satisfaction but dies
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1967 (Morgan/Green-RugbySongs)
KEYWORDS: bawdy death whore
FOUND IN: Britain(England)
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Morgan/Green-RugbySongs, pp. 157-158, "Carolina" (1 text)
Cray-EroticMuse, pp. 164-165, "(Charlotte the Harlot)" (partial text plus notes)
Roud #4839
cf. "Charlotte the Harlot I, II, III, IV" (character and partial plot)
cf. "Charlotte the Harlot (V) (Carolina)"
cf. "Charlotte the Harlot Lay Dying (The Dying Harlot)"
NOTES [50 words]: Ed Cray, in quoting this, calls it another variant of "Charlotte the Harlot." The woman is called "Carolina" in the Morgan/Green-RugbySongs version (which is the only one he quotes), but the first stanza is largely the same, so he is probably right. Roud lumps all the "Charlotte the Harlot" songs. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.3
File: RuSoCaro
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