Just a Little Tack in the Shingle of Your Roof
DESCRIPTION: "Just a little tack in the shingle of your roof (x3), To hold your house together." "Come on bak and stay with me... Make your little house what it ought to be." "Just a little nail in the plank of your wall, To hold your house together...."
AUTHOR: Harold Finster
EARLIEST DATE: 1980 (Rosenbaum-FolkVisionsAndVoices)
KEYWORDS: nonballad home
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Rosenbaum-FolkVisionsAndVoices, p. 232, "Just a Little Tack in the Shingle of Your Roof" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #16256
NOTES [92 words]: I was tempted to give this the keyword "religious, " because it really feels like it was inspired by the warnings Jesus gave to be prepared/alert/awake when the Lord comes (see, for instance, Matthew 24:42, 25:13, Mark 13:37), Throw in the House Built Upon Rock (Matthew 7:24-27) and you get a feeling rather like this song.
But while I imagine Harold Finster used the song to tell a moral, it has no actual Biblical language -- it doesn't even mention God. So I do not list it among the religious songs; it could be sung simply as advice. Maybe. - RBW
Last updated in version 2.6
File: Rose232
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