Old Coon Dog (I)

DESCRIPTION: "The raccoon is a cunning thing, He travels after dark, He never takes to a tree, But I hear old Ranger bark.... When I bust this punkin head, One, two, by three." "Somebody stole my own coon dog..." "Somebody stole my bunny pullet." Other verses float
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1955 (Roberts-SangBranchSettlers)
KEYWORDS: floatingverses nonballad dog animal bird travel
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Roberts-SangBranchSettlers, #83, "Old Coon Dog" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #3436
cf. "Raccoon" (floating lyrics)
cf. "Way Down in Rackensack (Old Coon Dog)" (floating lyrics)
NOTES [59 words]: Just about every word of this is found in other songs. I could argue that it belongs with "Raccoon" or some such song. But the combination is unique, and the "punkin head" chorus is fairly distinctive. I split it not because I really consider it a separate song but because it's not clear just what to lump it with; I note that Roud also splits it off. - RBW
Last updated in version 4.2
File: Robe083

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