DESCRIPTION: Tanneray hears his daughter is getting married. He rushes to stop the wedding. The preacher says "you better forgot it." His wife says "this thing has been done You ain't lost a daughter you done got a son." Tanneray gives the couple his blessing.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1952 (Blind Blake Higgs: see WIHIGGS01)
KEYWORDS: wedding clergy father mother
FOUND IN: West Indies(Bahamas)
Blind Blake Higgs, "Tanneray" (on WIHIGGS01)
cf. "There's A Man Going Round Taking Names" (structure; see notes)
NOTES [118 words]: The structure of each verse is the same as in "There's A Man Going Round Taking Names."
For example, the first verse is
Tanneray your daughter get married, Tanneray (2x)/Tanneray he went in the market one mornin/ When the locals see him comin runnin/ O your daughter get married, Tanneray
While I haven't seen a Bahaman text for "There's A Man Going Round Taking Names" Steve Roud has the following entry under that title, "matched by title only [Info taken from published Checklist]," source: Library of Congress recording 422 A1, perf: Austin, Elizabeth, place: Bahamas: Cat Island: Old Bight, accessed December 6, 2014
You could argue that the structure is not much further distant from "Crawdad." - BS
Last updated in version 3.7
File: RcTanray
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