Sailing Out on the Ocean

DESCRIPTION: Singer is sailing the ocean; says if he gets shot or drowned there will be no one to weep for him. Despite his mother's usual warning, he gambled and lost his life savings while drunk. The only girl he has loved has turned her back on him
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1929 (recording, Haskell Wolfenbarger)
KEYWORDS: loneliness warning gambling courting floatingverses
Haskell Wolfenbarger, "Sailing Out on the Ocean" (Vocalion 5390, 1930; on RoughWays2)
cf. "On Top of Old Smoky" (floating lyrics)
cf. "The Roving Gambler (The Gambling Man)" [Laws H4] (floating lyrics)
cf. "Rye Whiskey" (floating lyrics)
File: RcSOOtO

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