So Now We've Gained the Victory
DESCRIPTION: "So now we've gained our victory ... the bantam cock shall never crow on the plains of Waterloo." We'll send him to a far off island and not let him return again. A health to King George and Wellington. Boney will always remember Waterloo.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1936 (recording, Freddie James, RQMS Williams, G.W. Greening and Harry Hawkins?)
KEYWORDS: war exile nonballad patriotic Napoleon
June 18, 1815 - Battle of Waterloo
FOUND IN: Britain(England(South))
Roud #12928
Freddie James, RQMS Williams, G.W. Greening and Harry Hawkins?, "So Now We've Gained the Victory" (on Voice16)
cf. "The Banks of Sweet Dundee" (tune, according to Yates, Musical Traditions site _Voice of the People suite_ "Notes - Volume 16" - 13.9.02:)
NOTES [55 words]: For details on the Battle of Waterloo, see e.g. the notes to "The Plains of Waterloo (II)" [Laws J3]. It's a bit funny to see King George toasted. Forget the fact that his personal rule cost England the American colonies and a bunch of wars. By the time of Waterloo, he was incurably insane, and his son George IV was regent. - RBW
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