See God's Ark A-Moving

DESCRIPTION: The leader sings a line such as "Let me tell you the news." "God said to Noah." "Tell him to build an ark." "You know I gonna destroy the land." The congregation sings "See God ark" Leader: "Tell me how long." Congregation: "See God ark a'moving."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1964 (USSeaIsland01)
KEYWORDS: religious nonballad Bible
Benjamin Bligen and the Moving Star Hall Singers, "See God's Ark A-Moving" (on USSeaIsland01)
cf. "The Old Ark's A-Moverin'" (lyrics)
NOTES [99 words]: The Biblical reference for Noah and the ark is Genesis 6-8.
The current description is based on the USSeaIsland01 text.
The USSeaIsland01 track is call-response. Syncopated clapping starts slowly and speeds up -- with the leader singing only "Ask my partner how long" "Ask my class how long" "Sister how long" followed by the usual three lines -- into what the liner notes describe as a "shout." The Herskovits Trinidadian Spiritual Baptist account of "Jesus Lover of My Soul" fits this track as well. Although this is not a Sankey hymn, the performance style matches "Sankey into Shout." - BS
Last updated in version 6.7

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