No, Not One! (Jesus Knows All About My Troubles)

DESCRIPTION: "Jesus knows all about our struggles / He will guide till the day is done / There's no friend like the lowly Jesus / No not one! No not one!"
AUTHOR: Words: Johnson Oatman Jr./Music: George C. Hugg
LONG DESCRIPTION: There's no friend like Jesus. "None else could heal all our soul's diseases." He is high and holy, yet meek and mild. He is with us every hour and cheers us in the darkest night. He is with every saint and sinner. He won't refuse us a Heavenly home.
KEYWORDS: nonballad religious Jesus
James Mackey and the Moving Star Hall Singers, "Jesus Knows All About My Troubles" (on USSeaIsland02)
Moving Star Hall Singers, "Jesus Knows All About My Troubles" (on BeenStorm1)
Congregation of the Wesley Methodist Church, "Jesus Knows All About My Troubles" (on JohnsIsland1)

NOTES [99 words]: BeenStorm1, USSeaIsland02 and JohnsIsland are only the chorus, repeated until the pace becomes quicker and only the last two lines of the chorus are repeated. The current description is the chorus. The LONG DESCRIPTION describes the hymn as it was written by Johnson Oatman Jr.
The BeenStorm1 and USSeaIsland02 tracks' singing and syncopated clapping and stomping speed up as the song progresses. The Herskovits Trinidadian Spiritual Baptist account of "Jesus Lover of My Soul" fits this track as well. Although this is not a Sankey hymn, the performance style matches "Sankey into Shout." - BS
Last updated in version 6.7

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The Ballad Index Copyright 2024 by Robert B. Waltz and David G. Engle.