My Kentucky Home

DESCRIPTION: "As I stand here in the woods I wonder why I ever left, I wonder if I ever did leave." The singer recalls how it was when she was a girl. She wonders about those she knew. She and her old dog head home, slowly, because they are old; the memories linger
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 2001 (HCargillFamily)
KEYWORDS: home dog nonballad
Acie Kargill, Ellen Wright, John Wright, "My Kentucky Home" (on HCargillFamily)
NOTES [68 words]: There are several songs on HCargillFamily which do not occur elsewhere, and they frankly have a similar style, much less effective than the traditional pieces. Because of their style, I think it likely they are by a single author. And that author was likely Hattie Mae Tyler Cargill, since this song at least is the song of an old woman (definitely a woman) looking back on her life. But I can't prove it. - RBW
Last updated in version 5.3
File: RcMyKeHo

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